Before and After

Trees in Yellowstone - Before Post-Processing

A couple days ago I was browsing through the photos from January's road trip that I'd set aside for editing and came across this one of a grove of trees. I'm not sure what initially drew my eye to it (so that I set it aside for editing), but as I looked at it I almost decided to drop it back into the big bucket of photos instead of processing it. The initial photo (the one above) lacked any element which to set it apart from the others.

And then I started tweaking the photo. I started by cropping things a bit to improve the overall composition because I didn't like the foreground tree cut in half on the right edge and thought the tracks in the snow were a bit of a distraction. Following that I started playing around with color adjustments and after a little while the photo below popped out.

I always enjoy when a photo that seems to be bland turns out to be a good one after all. Even more than that, I like that it validates my reasoning behind delving back into my photo collection for images to edit. I know that there are other photos like this hiding amongst the thousands I've taken over the last few years and I look forward to finding them so they can be processed and shared.

Trees in Yellowstone - After Post-Processing