A Windmill and a Frog...

Windmills, La Mancha, Spain

A windmill and a frog... sounds like the beginning of a fable, but this time it's just the two photos I dug out of the back catalog.

I decided that today I would go back into the collection of photos I set aside at the beginning of this project and pick a couple of interesting ones from there instead of posting more from this winter's road trip (though never fear, there are many remaining from that trip).

The windmill above is the kind that des Cervantes would likely have pictured as he was writing about Don Quixote "tilting at windmills". Conveniently, they also make for fairly interesting photographic subjects.

The photo below is of a tree frog that was resting (or hiding) along the Four C Trail in east Texas. I do have to say that what Texas loses in scenery while backpacking, it makes up for in ease. That trip is the only one I can think of that was quite literally just a stroll through the woods (even wearing our packs).

Green Tree Frog, Four C Trail, TX