A Trip to the Zoo or The Art of the Selfie

At the Zoo

Last week the weather was a little too nice to stay indoors so a day off to escape to the zoo was in order. I brought my camera along because there is usually the opportunity to take a few animal photos and when going with a couple of munchkins in tow (or to be more accurate, doing the towing), there are almost always chances for a few photos of them as well. Of course, this time there was a bit of a surprise in store for Logan as I'd brought my small camera all rigged up with a lanyard (to prevent drops) so that he too could have a photography outing at the zoo.

As you can see below, he quickly got the hang of it.

Logan, Photographer

The day continued and we all took more photos and even snuck in a couple of good portraits while we were at it.

Logan Alexander

To my great dismay it seems that the selfie is either an innate human quality (or something so pervasive in modern society that a 3 year old has picked it up) and so it did not take long before Logan was testing his selfie skills. He even checked the results afterward to see how he did.

The Art of the Selfie

After the kangaroo was forced to witness this spiral into nothing but out of focus arm length shots by all of modern society, Alexander decided that a hug was in order.

Kangaroo Hug

By the time we left, everyone was tired...even the hyenas.

Tired Hyena, Fort Worth Zoo